Job seekers
We understand finding a new job can be a daunting experience however at ITI we believe a more personal approach is the secret to success. Our friendly consultants each work in specialized fields which mean they can use their specific market knowledge to better understand your requirements and focus on delivering the perfect job for your individual circumstance. We don’t play the numbers game and hold it at a high priority in only putting you forward for a job that we mutually agree is best for your career!
We strive to make the experience easier by tailoring the process to best suit you so if you are in the market for a new job or just want some friendly advice on your career situation we are only a phone call away.
We pride ourselves on building a company that is dedicated to constantly improving our market knowledge and quality service which helps enable us to build long term relationships. The most important part of our business.
We help make the process easier with;
Leading industry and market knowledge
Market mapping to identify companies that fit your technical needs and personal circumstance
Insight into company’s teams and cultures including upcoming projects
Interview preparation and interview format tips
Salary advice and negotiation.
Type: | Full-Time, Project, Contract |
Work experience: | Beginner -Mid-Senior level |
Function: | Information Technology |
Location: | Several locations in Germany |
software,database, networking, web, security experts
B.A./, IT.
Working experience:
One or more programming languages: DOT, NET, HTML, JAVA, PHP, C/C, ASP,SHAREPOINT,
Operatingsystems: Windows, Apple IOS, AIX, UNIX, LINUX
Webtechnology: HTML
Databases:MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL
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